Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I guess I've tried blogging before but it's never really worked out. Being me, however, I will always try once more.

I guess introductions are also necessary. Instead of introducing myself, I will introduce my thoughts. Sometimes I believe I think too much... that I analyze too much of what happens in my life or how I feel. Sometimes I don't understand what I feel, which is why I need to write. I need to write to discover what lies behind my actions, my thoughts, and my feelings.

I will write about... becoming a vegetarian--I decision that I recently made. I will write about... life and what I've learned through my experiences.

But I've sounded way too serious so far. I also love fashion, I love makeup, I love dressing up and being a girl... I worry about weight, I obsess about exercising...

Which just goes to say... I'm not exactly sure what this blog is... all I know is that it's a journey within itself.